Bike Rafting

Bike Rafting

This new activity is a fantastic way to combine two awesome sports and get to see the whole beauty of the Soča valley. A Bike Rafting trip will certanly be an adventure to remember. You will be biking your way through off road trails, then charging your bike on a pack raft to continue the adventure in the Soča River. A real one day expedition!
  • No prior experience needed. Must be able to bike and swim
  • LEVEL: II – Beginners
  • MINIMUM AGE: 8 years old
  • DURATION: Approximately 4 hours in total
  • SCHEDULE: Every day at 9hs
  • WHAT TO BRING: Sport clothes, sport closed rubber shoes, a swimming suit and a towel
  • Our experienced and certified instructors that will train and guide you through all the activity
  • Mountain bikes and pacrrafts
  • Wetsuits and neoprene jackets
  • Helmets
  • Life Jackets
  • Transportation from the river to our base
  • 20% Discounts for groups of 10 or more people
  • A photo service will be available if wanted